Delaying Jumu`ah Prayer


Q: A young man is studying in the United States and his study program does not include a break for Salah (Prayer). The timing for the Jumu‘ah (Friday) Prayer in the United States is 1:30 pm, but he is compelled to delay it until 4:00 pm, due to the schedule. Is it permissible for him to delay the Salah until that time?

A: The timing of the Five Obligatory Daily Prayers is specified by the All-Wise Lawgiver (Allah) and it is not permissible to delay them beyond their prescribed times. If delaying the Salah is for a lawful excuse which will not cause one to miss its prescribed time, then it is permissible to delay it; if it will cause one to miss the prescribed time, it is Haram (prohibited). If continuing to attend classes will cause the student to miss offering Salah within its prescribed time frame, it is not permissible to let studies cause this; it is obligatory to offer the Salah on time. The end of the time for Jumu‘ah Prayer is the same as that for the Zhuhr (Noon) Prayer, so it is not permissible to delay it later than that under any circumstances.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
